how to burn cue and iso files (w/o bin)

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by H_Seldon, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. H_Seldon

    H_Seldon Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    Just downloaded a rar file, that contains with it - one cue file and one iso file.
    What am I supposed to do with this?
    Tried to burn the cue file with Nero - doesn't work.
    Tried to burn the iso file with Nero - doesn't work.
    Using WinRAR in the first place didn't seem to make much of a difference.
    I've heard of cue and bin together, but never cue and iso. As I said, I tried the two obvious things - trying to burn the iso, and trying to burn the cue, but nothing played on the disk, as if there was nothing on it.
    Thanks to anyone who can help.
  2. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    welcome to afterdawn, one of the best things to do before you post a thread is to use the search button, type in what you would like to do and you will come up with a bunch of threads on what you want to do,also what programs do you have besides nero? dvdshrink will handell iso files, also imgburn will do that
  3. H_Seldon

    H_Seldon Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    Thanks rdmercer1. I may be a newbie at Afterdawn, but I'm not a newbie. So I did do a search as you suggested.
    I'm sorry you couldn't actually answer my question, along with your suggestion. I was hoping a Senior Member would be able to answer the question, but unfortunately you couldn't do more than offer tips on doing searches in forums. I'm hoping there is a Senior Member able to read my question and offer a suggestion related to my question, and not simply tips on searching in forums.
    Perhaps the reason why you didn't answer my question is because you don't know the answer. You should have said so.
    Or perhaps the reason you didn't answer my question (or even give any thought to it) is because you didn't read my question. You just assumed that there were ample answers available to my question, and you assumed that I must be a computer newbie.
    Usually, when a Senior Member dispenses Forum Use Advice (in this case - how to search a forum), he/she will also answer the question anyway.

    So here's a liitle advice for you - First, before you reply to someone in a forum thread, make sure you have carefully read the question. Second - when you post a reply to a question, make sure you attempt to answer the question - no matter what other information you add.
  4. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    well if you are not a newbie this should rather easy right? just extract the mpeg from the bin file with imburn and burn to cd or dvd your choice, also bin and cue files are ment to be put on cd's and are rather lower grade as far as quailty, but if you want put on dvd you can use convertxtodvd to make a dvd, also if you were to use the search button you will find that your question has been answed so many times, that is why i said what i did, if you look at the top of this page you will see a tab that read guides, if you click on that tab you will see all the info you will need to do what you need to do, like i said it is allways a good thing to do a search before you post a question, good luck have a nice day
  5. H_Seldon

    H_Seldon Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    Thanks rdmercer1. Appreciate your help.
    Where's the "bin" file?

    On another point, you mention that cue and bin files are of lower quality. Compared to what you don't say. Compared to iso?

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