I've been using dvdshrink without any, but I just ran into my first encrypted disk. And the guide for dvd decrypter says for disks under 4.3 gb. So how do I burn a decrypted disk over 4.3gb?
If you've been ripping store bought DVD's, you've been ripping encrypted DVD's. Whether large or small, I've yet to encounter a non-encrypted DVD. DVD Decrypter will work on the larger sized encrypted DVD's also. Just do it the same way that u do the smaller ones, then use DVD Shrink or DVD2One to compress for burning onto a DVDr. There's no difference in procedure. No idea where you read that it won't rip DVD's larger than 4.3gb. ALL I've ripped with it are movies OVER 4.3gb. FYI...DVD Shrink will rip and compress encrypted DVD's. That's pretty much it's whole purpose. But I find it's faster to use DVD Decrypter to rip with. __X_X_X_X_X_[small]There is no problem so big, that a brick placed against the proper skull cannot fix =)[/small]
How are you burning dvd's now? There is a lot of support for Nero and Recordnow as people have had the most success with them. Decrypter and Dvd shrink will both unencrypt (rip) dvds that have CSS algorithms pretty seamlessly. If a dvd is less than 4.3 gb, then you can get by using decrypter only. In those situations, I use dvd shrink with no compression and get a perfect copy without compression. If the dvd is > 4.3 gb, I use shrink with some compression. You can use decrypter on those dvd's > 4.3gb but you will need to compress the movies with shrink or dvd2one. If you explain your process a little more, we can be more helpful.
Follow this guide for DVDShrink: http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/dvd_shrink.htm If you use DVDShrink, there is no need for DVDDecrypter as Shrink will rip and decrypt the files for you. Also, when using DVDShrink, it doesn't matter is the original is single or double layer...it can prepare both for burning to a single DVD-R disc.
True....but it takes twice or three times as long using DVD Shrink to rip and compress, as it takes to rip with DVD Decrypter and compress with DVD Shrink or DVD2One. While speeds are somewhat dependent upon your system setup, and they vary from user to user, my system does not vary, and using DVD Decrypter to rip is much faster. Why not offer all alternatives? They can try both techniques and determine which works best for them. =)
I've have just got dvd decrypter and dvd shrink. I just want to make sure that I am doing it right. Is there any way you can do a little tutorial on how to use both these together. I will also be using RecordMax to burn.
Follow the guide I mentioned above, but rip the files first with DVD Decrypter and then use "open file" instead of "open disc" to access the ripped files on your hard disk. It really is not necessary to use DVD Decrypter though. It may seem longer for DVDShrink to rip the DVD, but this is because it does the ripping and compressing in one step, so that what is copied to your HD is ready to be burned straight to your DVD-R.
I have experienced problems with this as well, have ripped the DVD with DVD Decrypter and then tried to compress the file with DVDshrink, but when I go to open file in the DVD shrink program is wont recognise the file that was just ripped. Any help would be gratefully received
Are you doing it as an ISO when Shrink won't recognize the file. Because that is the only time it I got that error. Just rip the dvd as a file and it will create a folder (by the name of the movie), with a subfolder called Video_TS, all the movie files will be in this folder. The problem I was having, was when I used shrink I had just named a folder (DVD) and was saving the files to that folder. Inorder for you dvd player to read the dvd, the folder Video_TS must be present, otherwise it won't work. So make sure that when you are saving the files through Shrink that you are saving them to the folder Video_TS. I just created another file named Video_TS and saved them there. Then it worked.
Right i have ripped the DVD using DVD Decrypter, I have then used DVD Shrink to compress it which has put it in a folder as vob files and bup files, there are quite a few, but it is compressed to fit on a DVD R, so what do i do now, as DVD Decrypter wont recognise the files, im confused.