Downloaded 2 files: dohcd1 and dohcd2; when opened, each appear as a winamp file in my computer. Info says is mpg encoded for VCD format.I am totally new to this. I need help please. Vso DvxtoDVD, Avi2DVD, Nero,Nero Express, Nero Vision did not worked.(did not recognized the file or told me it was innapropiate)
I read message posted by Newby. I seem to have same problem. AviCodec cannot open file and it says it cannot be reproduced. Codecs didn´t work either.
I'm fairly new to video work myself but I'll try to help. I don't understand what exactly your trying to do. Are you trying to burn a vcd file to a cd?
[bold]USE ISOBUSTER 1.08[/bold] Install and run Isobuster 1.08. Select your CD/DVD Drive. Click on the MPEGAV folder. Select all dat files and right click and select [bold]Extract but filter only M2F2 Mpg frames.[/bold] Save the new file as filename.mpg. It will automatically be converted to a compliant mpg file. After converting to mpg file, use VSO DivX to dvd to convert the mpg files to dvd files. Then use Nero to burn the dvd files to a good media dvd at no faster than 4x. This has worked excellent for me in the past and your XBox/dvd player should play it 100%. Hope this helps. the above is from
To False: Yes; that´s what I´m trying to do. To DVDBack23: Thanks for the advise. I think you are right. I used IsoBuster, but I found out I need the Pro registered version for the action that you recomend. I´m doing that now. Thanks a lot.