How to burn simple `DATA` on -RW ?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by anthill, Mar 18, 2004.

  1. anthill

    anthill Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    I`ve botched by now 2 Memorex DVD-RW only trying to write on them some few miserable DATA files, using Nero 6.
    Clearly I am doing something wrong.
    How does one burn -RW on Nero ? ( again - only for data)
    Should I use the `Start multisession` option or should I use the `No multisession` option ?
    Does UDF or ISO options have anything to do with it ?
    And then , when the -RW is full and I want to replace some of the stuff, can I erase only some of the files or can I rewrite certain files or do I have to erase the whole disk and write it from fresh ?
    I should add I`m using `Toshiba SD-R5112 bulk dvd -R -RW` which burns my -R medias without problem.
    Please- your assistance - Thanks in advance

  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    What do you mean by "botched"? The discs are altogether unusable now?

    Multisession depends on whether you want to add data to the disc at a later point. If you do then use "start multisession", if not then "no multisession".

    ISO should be fine.

    You have to erase the whole thing. InCD might let you erase specific files, although I've never had the need to use it so I'm not sure. It's supposed to let you use a disc like a floppy.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Gigabyte 8INXP, Intel P4HT 3.06
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    Last edited: Mar 18, 2004
  3. anthill

    anthill Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Thanks for responding , Nephilim.
    The 2 medias are not usable any more.
    Indeed, what I would desire is to use the -RW media almost as an extra drive (or floppy), which I can add to and remove from any given file...
    I would be ready to settle for a simple multisession if needs be, but as I`ve said: Sending these -RW to burn, just as if they were regular -R : completely toasted them.
    I will check InCD as it sounds like just the thing for me.
    Aside from that, may I allow myself to infer from your answer, Nephilim, that burning these -RW in Nero 6 just is if they where regular -R (whether be it in multisession or not and as long as the procedure was performed adequately - which it was) should`nt have been the reason for they`re being toasted ?
    Thanks again for the effort and bother.
  4. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Burning data to disc should be a piece of cake...

    I personally had problems with InCD so I removed it, but it might be useful to you.

    Try to put the "botched" RW discs into the drive and try to empty and reformat the disc with Nero, maybe they still could be restored.

    RW discs should operate exactly the same way as R discs with the exception that they can be reformatted and used again.

    Hope you get your problem fixed.
  5. anthill

    anthill Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    ThanQ for responding, Ketale,
    Having stated that-
    [quaoteRW discs should operate exactly the same way as R discs with the exception that they can be reformatted and used again[/quaote]
    Pretty much clears out any doubt or misgiving I previously had, about any foul play on my side.
    Immidiately after first attempt to burn, nero refused to erase or reformat both medias, any more.
    Curiously enough, arises now the suspicion `Memorex DVD-RW` is NOT on the compatibility list of the marvellously notorious `Toshiba SD-R5112 bulk dvd -r -rw`
    So that`s another lead, too.
    I hope to be back and report...
    Thanks again.
  6. UT_CK

    UT_CK Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    The whole reason fro DVD-RW is so you can erase them when you want to. DVD-RW should not be toasted ie : become coasters.. since you can erase them and start new.

    By using software like InCd .. you may create instability in your burns. As stated above InCd is a software which allows you to traet a DVD-RW as an extension of your filesystem... Personally.. I stay away from it .. because there are a multitude of disgruntled users who state that it does create instability in their burns.

    Using a DVD as an extended filesystem is in my opinion unnecessary. Hard drive space is so cheap.. that I'd set aside a partition on another HD.. and store my backups on that... when it's full.. then I'd burn it on DVD-R. It's cheaper.. and allows you to have multiple copies of files. Just my opinion.

  7. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Hi again,

    Well said UT_CK, I agree completely.

    Anthill, also make sure you have the newest firmware on your drive, since sometimes an update of the firmware might just be the key to a problem like you have. Here's a download page for firmaware (and unofficial batches - but be careful about those, you have to know what you do) for your drive.

    Hope this helps!
  8. anthill

    anthill Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Thanks for responding Ketale and UT_CK ,
    thanks for the link Ketale. First thing on arrival flashed to rpc-1. There is a known speed issue with toshiba 5112 but it concerns -R x4 9 one must patiently await a revision). But no known isuues for as much as I know about -Rw (accept of course that compatibility list I`ve mentioned)
    I did have some instability problems in the past, burning cd-rw with a similar concept app - `Direct CD`.
    The reason for targeting -RW as refreshable storage is security.
    Out of a toal of 200 GB divided between 3 LANed and `onlined` machines about 12 Gb are quire valueably private.
    Running all the while a few P2p apps whose names I suspect forum-rules prevent me from mentioning and whom are notorious for manipulting the browsing port (80) as a bypass of firewalls , I`m a bit apprehensive
    of certain mechanisms I`ve heard about, able to exploit the P2P-abilities to transmit from local machines. thus , I thought to myslef, creating an unMapped -RW HD would be nice (disk on key being so expansive per GB)
    I do understand now, settling on multisession , be it on -RW or -R would be stabler.
    Any other Idea would be more then welcome, else- thanks for wisening me so far.
    I`m sad to discover

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