I would like to change the cce target sectors since I want to burn on a DVD DL, but I have loked into the REBUILDER.INI but I didn't find the ccet target setors. This is what is write in the REBUILDER.INI file [Options] Mode=1 OneClick=1 ReduceOpt=0 NoWarn=1 AdditionalOutput=1 LogFile=1 QuEncHQ=1 EncoderMinimized=1 RemoveDTS=1 HC_Quality=3 HC_Matrix=1 SkinVersion=10 CCE=0 Skin=Rebuilder Default AudioDub=1 QuEncodeType=0 iDCT=0 GOP=0 DCPrec=0 MainMatrix=Encoder Default LowMatrix=Same as Main Feature VLowMatrix=Same as Main Feature ExtraMatrix=Same as Main Feature ProCoder_Quality=4 DVD_Label=OUT DVD_Name=OUT.ISO MovieOnly=0 HalfD1=00000 Convert_16_9=00000 DisableInterlace=00000 ConvertToYUY2=1 Completed=11 ISO_Output=0 Backcolor=14215660 HC_VBR_Bias=20 [Paths] QuEnc=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB PRO\Encoders\QuEnc\QuEnc.exe ReJig=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB PRO\Encoders\ReJig\ReJig.exe HC=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB PRO\Encoders\HC Encoder\HCbatch.EXE ProCoder=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB PRO\Encoders\EclPro\EclPro.exe DECOMB=C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\Decomb521.dll MPEG2DEC=C:\Program Files\DVD-RB PRO\DGDecode.dll Working=C:\DVD-RE WORK\ Output=C:\SMALLVILLE\2\ CCENew=C:\Program Files\Cinema Craft Encoder SP 2.7\cctsp.exe Source=C:\SMALLVILLE\OUT\ CCE250=C:\Program Files\Custom Technology\Cinema Craft Encoder SP\EclCCE.exe [Audio] Remapping= Selected=100101010 [Subpictures] Selected=111111111111111111 [CCEOptions] VBR_bias=25 Quality_prec=16 eclPasses=3 I hope you could help me solve this problem
thank you for the info, but I stil don't know how to change the cce target sectors. Do you have any guide I could fallow. It would be really helpfull.
I determined the target sectors for a DL dvd just a while back and it worked perfectly. Go into the rebuilder ini file and right under [Options] type CCETargetSectors=4050000 The folder will be aprox. 7.85 gb (8046 mb) leaving 106 mb leeway for layer break and so you don't burn to the extreme outer edge of the disc. You might find this thread interesting and informative. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/1/268433
Thank you for the info. it was really helpful. I saw your threat before and I saw that you were changing the CCETargetSectors but I thought that it had to be in the REBUILDER.INI something like this CCETargetSectors=2236400 and I thought that the only thing I needed to do was to change the targetsectors numbers to this =4050000. I did't know that I had to typye in "CCETargetSectors=4050000". anyway thank you for the info I was driving my self nuts.
i'm still wondering why 1.04 is used and not an up2date version and why no answer has been provided to this question