How do i check the speed of my built in DVD burner in my laptop? whenever i try to burn a dvd i always get a burn failure. i think its because of incompatibility of the DVD speed and the burner speed.
True. If your laptop is "old" then this can present problems in that regard. Do a search on the maker and model of the burner and if it's available, do a "firmware" up-date. If your unsure, post your laptop details etc etc, and we can go from there. Just as importantly, tell us what media type and speed that you are currently using. Checking the burning speed depends on what software you are using. Nero and DVD Shrink for eg: are different in approaches. Again tell us what you have. Cheers.
before pressing "burn" did you select writting speed or you' re leaving in "auto" mode or maximum speed? Check this first by selecting 6X or 4X, according the burner's choises.
What program are you using to do the burn? Save a log file and post it so someone can have a look and help you troubleshoot.
as a rule of thumb i wouldnt burn full speed if like 16x anyhoos, that can cause play back issues... i always burn at 4x but thats just a personel preference, as i use ritek go5 8x burnt at 4x, done it for years, the ritek are ok discs not top ones so i take it steady on them, and alls well.
My Laptop model is compaq presario v3234tu. right clicking on the DVd drive icon in my computer and selecting hardware, it says that my drive is Matsushita DVD Ram UJ-850s ATA. I tried burning at different speed. At 4x sometime i get a good burn but i still get an error. Anything above that always gets me an error. i tried using nero 7 suite, roxio, and windows vista programs to burn. and they all give me errors. are there any good external DVD writers? i am seriously thinking about buying an external one. any suggestions? thanks for the help
roxio can kill any burning process due to conflicting with nero aswell can you post a nero log here pls for us to look at? uninstall roxio then get the roxio ZAP tool to shred registry of this beast of a driver/drive killer bad burn maker!
here's what i use - - just pop in any standard cd/dvd drive in edit- you need to remove that link from your signature, and due to the nature of the link and your username i'm guessing we will have to be watching your posting for a while..
Just finished uninstall of roxio and zapped it. i also changed my signature. will just try to burn and put the results here.