How to choose, How to burn????

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dusty_td, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. dusty_td

    dusty_td Member

    Feb 13, 2007
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    I have been using AnyDVD along with DVDClone 2 to back up my DVDs. I also have DVDFab Decrypter and DVD Shrink, but I have yet to use them. If I choose to do DVDFab-DVD Shrink-DVDClone2 does this improve the quality of the copy? Or does that method just let you get past DVDs that are harder to burn? Also with AnyDVD and DVDClone 2 is there any way to change how fast you burn at and any stettings that effect the quality of the copy?
  2. dvdchick

    dvdchick Regular member

    Jan 24, 2006
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    hello dusty
    if you choose dvdfab decrypter and shrink you don't need to use dvdclone2. i have always use dvdfab and shrink and have no trouble as long as you keep updateing it....goodluck...
  3. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    I assume you are talking about CloneDVD2, not 'DVD Clone'.

    As long as you keep AnyDVD up-to-date, you should not have a problem with anything out there. With rare exception, AnyDVD can beat DVDFab Decrypter or Ripit4me, but those two freewares occasionally get the jump on AnyDVD by the order of a few days in hacking new titles. Regardless, all of these softwares can tackle anything that's been out a few weeks.

    With CloneDVD2, when you get to the menu where you select the drive to burn, select the drop-down box (which is usually set to "Maximum" and select you desired burning speed. I recommend no more than 1/2 the speed of the media and/or drive (8x) or even 4x when in doubt.
  4. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Awwww, now I can't let you slander ripit like far as a couple of days was two weeks before Slysoft caught up with ripit to do the full movie of Saw3. Ripit updated twice in the first two days it was out to accomodate a larger number of bad sectors. James at slysoft did not even have the difficult version of the movie at that point (S3R1)!

    I use any/clone and love it, when I am in a hurry, but that's a little harsh on my favorite ace in the hole. AnyDVD/CLoneDVD2 has upchucked on me a few times and it is always fixed by an update. Ripit has yet to puke on me, but takes a little longer. I can not say one is better than the other.

    Now I can say one is FREE and the other is not.

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