I tried to copy using Nero Recode but the result I m getting is scramble picture ...pretty much unviewable DVD. If any of you know how to get around it Please let me know. This isnt movie DVD is just like Fitness show. Thanks a lot guyz and I tried to look everywhere in "guide" section but find no answer. Or if you know the guide how to burn these copy protected DVD ..just send me the link. Thanks again
i havent used nero recode so i dunno about that,i use dvd shrink to rip and nero burning rom to burn,works great for me. dvd shrink guide.http://www.dvdshrink.info/guides.php all the guides youll prolly ever need for shrink on that link.you can have dvd shrink work together with nero, to make human error free backups you should be able to download shrink just by clicking on the name dvd shrink. you also need dvd decrypter both are free and very easy to use,i dont have a decryter guide at the moment but youll find one at the top of this page under guides. good luck,and welcome to the hood happy trails jim
Hi carisma, I have run Anydvd behind Nero Recode with good results. Anydvd runs in the background as the decrypter and will remove any copy guard on the dvd. There is a 20 or 30 day trial on the download. This is the decrypter used behind Clonedvd also. I think dvd43 is a free tool similar to Anydvd but only works with Windows 2000 and XP. Jerry
i posted my findings a few days ago after having the same hassle.......hope this helps http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/73890