HI there I have a movie in 2 files vcd-movie-cd1.avi vcd-movie-cd2.avi with 2 sfv files vcd-movie-cd1.sfv vcd-movie-cd1.sfv I thought I had the right codecs and software but nope. Cannot play it All2DVD and AVI2DVD don't work. So how can i get these into a workable iso to burn onto a dvd? (please free software only cheers)
After more review of my avi files. I have used AVICodec to get some detailed info of the files. Nothing happens, so there must be something wrong with them, or I don't have the correct codec. TMPGEnc doesn't like the files.... what can i do now?
SFV looks like a WinRAR Simple File Verification file. But it has no meaning if it coupled to AVI files. Unless the files have meen renamed. But that file shouldn't be necessary at all. Well, it shouln't be necessary if you had an archive set named: movie_archive.part1.rar movie.archive.part2.rar ... movie.archive.partN.rar You could try these tests: 1) Download QuickSFV and open the SFV file. 2) rename vcd-movie-cd1(cd2).avi into vcd-movie-cd1(cd2).rar and open it with WinRAR. read http://www.filepedia.com/desktop_software/file_management/quicksfv.cfm . (ah http://www.quicksfv.org/ has bandwith problem. If you don't manage to download it, PM me your e-mail address and I'll mail it yo you)
cheers for that quicksfv crashes .rar doesn't work looks like i've got a lemon here, delete is probably the best answer..
A test you could do before deleting all: try to open the files with notepad (or use TotalCommander 'view' feature). Post here what you read, at the beginning of the files.
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I give up! But remember that AVI files start with: RIFF‚ÒaAVI LIST~" .............. I don't know which kind of garbage those files are....