or alternatively, you can use windows media player. if you have WMP10 you will have windows audio converter already installed. right click the song(s) and go to 'send to' and then 'windows audio converter'. you can then choose to convert to mp3
Try and download the file again or rip it if you have the cd to MP3 format as converting from WMA to MP3 will mean quality will be lost.
I can't get anything to work when it comes to converting wma to mp3.....!!!!!!!!! am i stupid or just blonde
I can't use Windows Media Converter because you have to buy it, and also I ripped the songs and I wanted to make them into MP3's, so I think I'm gonna try dennalynn's choice.
@turik what program do u use to convert it to mp3. maybe u need to have an mp3 plug in for window media
I tried Audiograbber - that doesn't work for me as I do not have the CD's these tracks are all store on an external hard drive.
Two Questions (no, three): 1. Where is the Windows Audio Converter in WMP 10. I have WMP 10 and can't find it. Need to convert some WMA files to MP3, so that I can import them into the Womble Video (editing) Wizard. 2. Is there a difference in quality of MP3 that one gets, depending on the product used to convert the song. 3. And if there is a difference in quality, what is a good quality conversion program -- and do you have to get one specifically for WMA->MP3, or can you pick up one that does a lot of different conversions. Thanks.
Just when the time is up just install the Mp3 CLI and update it with the latest (stable) LAME package. Or download version 10. It doesn't have any limits. You still should upgrade the Mp3 encoder though. DMC 10 .exe link: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/bin/dMC-r10.exe Ced