Hi all. First time here. Not really sure whats going on. Don't have all the information but I'll give it a try. My neighbor recorded his daughters birthday party on his cam-corder. (Very expensive theme party- bragging I guess) Says he recorded the dvd from his TV DVD recorder/player. (???) From that disk, he said he tried to make extra copies to pass out but Nero, Shrink and something else he mentioned said it won't recognize the data on the DVD. Only way he can make copies is from his TV recorder/player. Does this make sense to anyone? Is there any software (freebie mabe?) that will copy this disc?
hello Dinobaby, Nero should handle this. Make sure the disc has been finalized on his DVD Recorder and then use NeroVision Express to copy the first disc after that he can use the copy from one disc to the other function, but he will need to run the first one through NeroVisionExpress first.
Hi. I called and asked him if he had anymore info. All he can tell me is that the disk has a VOB file and he says Nero won't touch it. I was going to try Alcohol when I get home. Supposed to have a free trial somewhere.
NO! but it is part of the suite tell him to look for NeroVisionExpress it should be there if he has the complete Nero 7 suite.