how to copy dvd which have side A and side B

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by tsunamijp, May 17, 2005.

  1. tsunamijp

    tsunamijp Member

    May 17, 2005
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    im not sure should i post this tread here or else were. if wrong pls let me known.

    i own a sony DVD handycam 803e. and a 60min double side disc.

    How to make copy of side A and B to normal dvdr(4.7G)???
    and if posible with all the data code.
  2. Stinky_1

    Stinky_1 Guest

    transfer one side to your pc, then transfer the other side to your pc.

    After that open your favorite video editing software and edit how you want it. Then grab your favorite dvd creating software and take your edited clips and throw them all onto the compilation


    your done.

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