Hi I am making a copy of my friends dvd seasons, so far evrything is ok, from season 1 and 2 all 8 disk were copied with no problem but on season 3 disc 2 with the dvd shrink this legend apear " dvdshrink encounter a problem and will stop, reazon: ciclic redundance error" something like that and if I try to use dvd decrypter is the same, I also try with dvd X-copy and nothing, can some one help, The same problem but with Madonna "world drown tour" what program do i need to make the copy and also were do I down load it?
Your cyclic redundancy error is usually caused by dirt or damage on your source DVD that prevents a portion of the disc to read properly. Do not ask for information here if you intend to steal files. The fourm rules are clear on this, you did read them, correct?
yes i read them, and no, I am not stealling any files, I own them and I am making copies of them so the originals can be safe with no scratches I have the tickets to proof that my copies are mine, but thanks any way. The reason I asked this was because the sourse do not have any scratch, they are new, I just bought them.