how to edit AC3 files (too low volumes)

Discussion in 'Audio' started by kthan, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. kthan

    kthan Member

    Jul 25, 2006
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    I had some xvid viles (with AC3, 448kbps) and they had too low volumes (I can barely hear the sound even at max volumes).

    Does this something to do with its higher bitrate? How to resolve this issue? I opened Soundforge 8 (to nomalize the file again), but this cannot read the file. Is there any plug-in to read xvid? Or, do I have to save it to wav. and reprocess (but, I don't think I can reproduce xvid<ac3> again in soundforge).

    Since I will view the files in divx-compatible player, I need to keep xvid format (not encode with MPEG2). Please advise me the best (easiest) way to do it.
  2. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    If it is a problem with the audio stream then simply find your AC3 plug-in (ie. AC3filter) in the Progam Files (or possibly the Control Panel) folder. Open the configuration utillity and turn up the Gain control a little. Make sure to restart your media player to hear results.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2006

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