Hello, I am having trouble using my recovery cds for my hp computer on cd 1 it gets to 6% and says it is missing a file or not found. Is there a way to to erase my Hard drive in Bios or any other way Please help! Sincerely, John
Nope, you can't erase the hard drive in the BIOS, you need some software to do that. And be able to boot to a cd or floppy drive. There are various softwares available to do this. FDISK is most common, which you can get from anywhere on the net, just do a search in google and you will find it. However you may have trouble with NTFS file format, I don't know whether there is an FDISK version that can correctly format to NTFS. Ghost is also a good one. You just need to delete the partition, create a new partition, make it active and format it............... ddp also recommends a good site at Seagate for formatting questions etc: http://www.seagate.com/support/kb/disc/howto/ata_fdisk_format_sys.html Too be honest, if your recovery disc is reporting missing files, then it maywell be corrupt/missing from your disc. Either way, conact HP and they should send you a new set. As a norm, when someone tells me they have just purchased a PC that has recovery discs. I get them to try them out straight away, to make sure they work, once they have been proven good, I take an image of their hard drive and backit up and also backup the recovery discs, therefore all can be reinstalled again...............
check this site out it has a bunch of tools for hard drives.... ive used this site a few times in repairs and recoveries... http://www.ntfs.com/products.htm
just wondered as that link for ntfs is in ontario around the greater toronto area whereas i'm in the 705 area code just south of barrie which is on the shore of lake simcoe north of toronto
man i know so many sites for tools its not even funny....years of searching for stuff, and working on pcs that make u look for certain things....anytime u guysneed more....just post... but DUBCITY this site should be able to help u in recovering, or erasing your disk...
C'mon ddp, you can't say things like that and NOT tell us what it is.................please..................
ddp, which program was it....i may have used it or have it for that matter.. while were on the subject...what u guys think about seagate drives..... any bad reps or personal experiences with them...ive heard there good drives... reason i ask is i just found one on tiger direct.com 200gb sata for 99.99
I have no preferances really, as long as they work according to their specs ok. I will either use Maxtor or Seagate, I have also started to use some Samsung ones and they seem to be ok (knock on wood) at the mo'. Funny really I have just been having fun and games with a Maxtor IDE 160Gb hard drive, brand new. Loaded XP on it all was well, configured everything and also my router and on the net etc, going great guns. Didn't enable the firewall and no AV just to see if anything was out there that would trash it................. And it worked..............LMAO..................... Restarted it and during the XP loading screen...............SPLAT!!!!!!!!! Graphics went garbage and hung. Restarted, then error showing about unable to boot................ Ran it through the XP installation again, after the XP disc loaded all devices (with the blue screen)etc and went to 'setup windows' then BSOD........saying a plug and play driver was bad. Unplugged all un-required devices and tried again, same thing. Plugged in a different hard drive and wallah, loaded up fine. Thought the hard drive had gone splat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't even format it.....................LMAO............... Ran Microscope on it and found that the MBR and VBR boot signatures were bollocksed......MBR had moved to partition 3, partition 0 contained absolute rubbish and of course was not bootable, the VBR contained no sector/head/cluster information................... Ran Maxblast through it and corrected the boot sector information and got it back then.............................. Pretty sure it was a boot sector virus, but couldn't locate it/delete it................... I ain't doing that again........................where did my Sunday go.
thats y if u ever noticed.....maxtor drives are cheap for a reason....those are the mose notorious ones i always get from somebodies computer that the drve went out and couldnt be recovered...
i find that problem with wd. i prefer maxtor but currently upgraded to a 160gig wd & only because of the 3yr warranty have i got a wd