How to extract audio from AVI!?

Discussion in 'Audio' started by candiria1, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. candiria1

    candiria1 Member

    Dec 11, 2003
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    I have a video file which i need to extract the audio from in order to make it into a VCD using Tmpgenc. I have tried using vobsub and the file has 5 channels and said i needed to install the AC3 ACM Decompressor, only problem is i can't install it! there is no .exe file! and i tried avi to wav converter and the audio is all jumpy!

    Please does anyone know any good converters out there!? does the 5 channels have anything to do with it??

    Please someone help me!!
  2. deviq

    deviq Member

    Feb 24, 2004
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    hey why dont u try and use total recorder it will record nething playing at u r comp into wav files and the softwares good whenever i have used it. :)
  3. shiroh

    shiroh Guest

    get virtualdubmod, intall demux. and from what you said, i think the audio is in ac3. you need to convert it into mp2 for vcd. tmpgenc can do that but you need to get the audio to wav, v-dub can do that too, but may or may not cause sync problem.

    i personally use headac3he and convert to mp2 using the app.

    the 5 channels means that the audio is in 5 hannel that can go through 5 different speakers that will make it surround sound. i'm not sure if mp2 supports 5 channel, cause i never done it and never bothered cause i'm too cheap to get speakers. :p

    as deviq said, that may be one of the solution, but not the best solution.

    actually this topic had been discussed countless times, and i'm posting the same stuff all over again. try do a search. just reminding

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