dude......i dont get it. sometimes it syncs all pro then the next its off by 30 seconds...anyone know how to really caculate it so it gets near to perfect. its such a bitch to wait for an hour then it not sync with teh audio and video right! hellllllpppa me. and yes i tried puting it the frame rate to 24. and im using videora!@
No one has really gotten to the bottom of the video with sound sync problem, but the remedy has been to change the framerate to 24 which you said you did, or just try another program. If it is only messed up sometimes just try not running any programs in the background during the conversion. If you're doing a whole movie its hard not to do anything since it takes a while, so you could try leaving it to do the conversion overnight. Would be the most economical if you queued up a line of videos to convert.