how to find default file save path (nero SE)

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by robjul2, Nov 13, 2005.

  1. robjul2

    robjul2 Guest

    I just bought a dvd burner that came with nero and used it for the first time (big-time newbie to burning media) and was able to burn a couple of dvd's, but then when i tried to burn another i was told there was not enough room on my hard drive.

    I found the check box for the setting to delete the image after a burn (and have subsequently checked it), but for the life of me i can not locate the image files for the first dvd(s) i burned to delete them and free up there a default file path that nero uses and what type of file extension should i be looking for? I browsed looking for large files but could not find anything near the size i assumed the image file would be (around 4 gigs).

  2. robjul2

    robjul2 Guest

    Actually, i just found it...found a norton protected recycle bin and discovered it was a .nrg (?) file so was able to delete them.

    duh....looked for 2-3 hours last night, found it in 15 minutes after i posted this morning :)

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