how to find people by ip addresses?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by zachzchw, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. zachzchw

    zachzchw Guest

    Ive been getting harassing emails, how do I find out information by using an ip address?
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    You could just write to the admin for the email provider :) I'm sure they can deal with that for you :)
  3. zachzchw

    zachzchw Guest

    First thing I did. No help at all.
  4. Dethh

    Dethh Member

    May 30, 2004
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    try a program called neo trace. its preety good.But how do we know youre the good guy if you're getting harrased? :p
  5. zachzchw

    zachzchw Guest

    This is whats happening- for the past two nights, weve been getting phone calls. Its freaky because I figure if it was kids, you would hear them laughing or whatever. The caller just sits in silence. Last night, I walked out the door to go to the drive thru, and the phone rang as I was walking out. As soon as I got back, the phone rang again. Later that night, I was on the phone with someone else, and I didnt click over to answer the beeps. 6 calls, I didnt answer any of them. Then, I get an email that says "Im still watching you." I need to figue out who this is, Im 99.9 sure its no one we know, not many people other than parents or whatevr have our number.
  6. Dethh

    Dethh Member

    May 30, 2004
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    dawm thats freaky, to be honest, if it were me , to teach them a lesson i would call the cops, sound like you're scared out of your mind and exagerate so the cops will take it seriously and get all over it, and hopefully you can only hope those kids will get the crap beat outta of them by their parents, its better than u finding out who it is and getting in trouble for a serious spankin'.
  7. zachzchw

    zachzchw Guest

    Yeah, my gf called the police. It took her calling 4 times to get them to even take a report. Basically, they are useless, as usual. This is driving me crazy, so I wait, steak knife and hammer in hand.
  8. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    If you're in the states that's probably enough to goto the FBI ... course you may not live anywhere near their offices.

    Just a thought.
  9. zachzchw

    zachzchw Guest

    I called the phone company, they put a 21 day trace on the phone, and Im supposed to call every day and tell them the times of the call. I will contact the FBI, it just seems too coincidental that I get the calls, then the email. Am I being too paranoid, or would you all be worried too?
  10. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I was born paranoid -- why do you think I reccommended the FBI right away? LOL if that was me I would have skipped the police (since I have zero confidence in their abilities anyways) and gone to the FBI which are more suited to solving these problems. As for the 21day trace make sure you set the clock on the answering machine (if possible) to the correct time :p ... another thing you can do is get a computer to act as your answering machine and then you can have an easily reproduceable copy of evidence -- now back to my paranoid side -- just to be paranoid I would also assume your computer is trojan'd (i.e., is your schedule on your computer? -- if so thats one way the 'enemy' would know when you are leaving/returning -- this means that they potentially realize that you have come here asking for help and know how we have responded). Furthermore, remember to act normal and get yourself two things: (1) a spotting scope and (2) NVGs if you can afford them (esp the NVGs, your basic model can cost up to $300 -- not sure if your're paranoid enough or worried enough to consider them).

    Another thing, they have stated that they are watching you -- you must assume that this is the case simply because disregarding it would be the wrong thing to do. This is where the NVGs and scope come in. In order to watch you there has to be a line of sight. Take a casual morning jog around the block (and make this a routine so it seems normal) and take note of the cars in the neighbourhood -- who parks inside, who parks on the garages (this way you know if they are in a vehicle and watching you -- which means they are more dangerous since they can follow you around as well as perform a getaway). At night, take note of the approx lights-out time for certain houses etc. I'm sorry if i sound really paranoid -- thats because i am :p
  11. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    So then he would see me looking for him through the scope on my Ruger Mini-14. F*ck with me and I'll definitely f*ck with you.

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