Hi there, i have a Pioneer A07 I'd like to flash with hacked firmeware. I have downloaded the firmware (DVR-107D v1.13 - RPC-1 + 12xRip + nx4all) and downloaded DVDR flash. I followed the instructions but it didnt work. Is there maybe an easier way? i have no clue what im doing in DOS and would like something more user-friendly or perhaps a guide? thanks in advance!!!!!!!!
"i have no clue what im doing in DOS and would like something more user-friendly or perhaps a guide? " you make me feel old.
yes, i used a flash tool. Here's a link for the firmware w/ the flash tool: http://flashman.rpc1.org/Firmware/P...107Dv1.10_RPC-1+12xRip+8xDVD-R_WINDOWS_XP.zip Enjoy