How To Get Better video Quality for making video DVDS.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Salman10, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. Salman10

    Salman10 Guest

    I have recently started to make dvds by taking clips from various sites such as dailymotion and youtube.And Burning them onto disc to be played back on dvd players and pcs.But Something which is quite annoying is the picture quality its not very good and i would like to make it better.So if Anyone knows anything any answers will be much appreciated . Safe
  2. 300bowler

    300bowler Regular member

    May 16, 2006
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    you can't get any better quality than what the source quality is. so if you DL the videos and that video is not good quality than the conversion is not going to be good.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2007
  3. dizzyduck

    dizzyduck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    Mr. Bowler is right. There are many programs out there claiming it improves video quality but none really work. There are some programs out there than can render colors to help get a little bit crisper colors, but they are very tedious and time consuming and frankly not worth the hassle. Whatever your source file quality is, is basically what you're stuck with, as long as you use a decent encoding program like ConvertXtoDVD.
  4. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    I have seen noise reduction filters do some good on low quality animations. The best you can do is to get almost as good quality as your source.

    If you want to make a DVD from Downloads, look for H.264 downloads at high bitrate. You will get very good quality DVDs from those. XviD are also very good!

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