i've change my computer and i have the itune folder now if i want get the same list n other computer and imnport it to my ipod what i have to do i rename the song folder name only the main folder can anybody know how to make my ITune get the same song from my onld liberary? if ther is way to rename the folder so when the song import the programm know how to get the path? \i hope i explain what am looking for and not to complicated helppppppppppppppppppppppp
As long as you have your itunes folder with the music inside that can be saved as your new library.. you need to locate where that file is and just import the songs.
ok i guess u didnt get me i will telll u another way i change my HDD and i change the name of the folder that have my music thats forder called west music and inside the folder is from A to Z thats not changed but the main one are change to west music how i can direct my liberary to go to the name of my new folder west music not to the old one coz will not find it to import the musics? think is easy now is ther is any file i can open it and change the direct? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz