thread teleported to a more relevant forum... ..all you need to do is add this to the start of the link - but you need to change IMG to img ie it's case-sensitive so you end up with this -
i was just thinking dial up users will have to wait ages to see the pages if people have huge sigs like theese, i mean look at jjssj's its damm huge!!! thats dial up hell!!!, its ok for us broad band users but think back to the days of 56k when it would take about 10 mins to load up jjsss's sig alone.
i sometimes still use diallup as i carry my laptop all over the shop, and boy you know about it with the overly large sigs and massive picture-filled tutorial threads
exactly,thats pretty unfair,isnt it againt the rules to have a sig that big. i mean think of the dial up users before you make a huge sig like that.