I have a rar file of 1700 plug-ins (filters) for "Adobe Photoshop"; this is how it's named (I got it off the web) - it doesn't specifically say for CS2. It unpacks 1700 ".8bf" files, such as "blklight.8bf", "BWCircl.8bf" (and 1698 more). I tried putting them in a folder and just putting them in the "Plugins" folder in my Adobe CS directory - the program wouldn't open properly. I had to remove that folder. Does anyone know how to install these; there was not an installing "program' or "utility" with these - just the .rar file. ?? Thanks.
clarification - "....I tried putting them into a folder (that I created) and just putting THAT FOLDER into the "Plug-Ins" folder in...."
I don't know how it goes in Photoshop CS2, but in CS it should look something like this: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\Plug-Ins\Filters" Don't make any new folders by yourself. Try to find the folder with existing filters and place them there.
Doesn't work. Even if I just copy one ".8bf" file to the folder "Adobe Photoshop CS2 > Plug-Ins > Filters", when I close the Program files and open the program I get - (click on link below to see image of error message): http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/193/pscserrormsg5nd.gif I have to remove the file for the program to work. If I put it in the "Plug-Ins" folder, I get the same error message, then, oddly, the program opens, but doesn't have the filter in it - weird.
Just had this last night. Go here http://www.bmath.net/dc/err.htm and download the file and unzip it to the windows/system folder.