ive searched the forums and havent been able to come up with anything that im looking for......i downloaded surreal 64 and when you open the zip file its nothing but all well text files. there are no well programs or anything that are in there.......is this the right download and if so how to make it work??
ok i dont know about you.....but im using evox and my emulators are set to c/fonts/nk/apps/emulators......now on my e drive i have the following.......cache, games (which halo2 is in there), root, tdata, and udata
My surreal64 is located as follows: E:/emulators/surreal64 Get the surreal64 from xbins, it works great, after you get it you need to change its INI file to find your roms. your evox INI, should have menu options to find emulators, so you just need to make an emulator(s) file in the specified drive. I hate using the apps menu, it seems un-organized. in the emulators file make a surreal64 file, then put it all in the there. you MUST have surreal64 with an xbe file, thats why I say to get the xbins one.
hey mine is F:\Apps\emulators\surreal 64 also can somone help me i dont know how to install the games
ok i have a problem with mines to i just got this chip in for my xbox at a store and i have evol x on it well it has nes,snes and gen but i also wanted ps1,n64 and maybe even gameboys i tryed to download them and ftp in my xbox didnt work where can you get them emulators and roms at i dont really know what they mean though?
Hello, I was just wondering if I could ask for a link, because I've had real trouble finding a place where I could download it from. Thank you Max Kreeger
No links.. it is included on all the xbox installer disks and also from x-port. It doesn't run very well as you really need more memory than the xbox has.
go to page one of the forums xbox software discussion and scroll down until you see this Xbox Software: Download Here!!! it is the 4th one down. scroll down until you see it say emulators and click on surreal 64 this is the xbox port version surreal64xxx beta v4.95 this one is the one you need for xbox it works great but glitches on some games but i find it to be the best just follow the instructions and you will be fine. any emulator that has a file saying default.xbe is for the xbox remember that
I put in on my xbox and some roms and in the Surreal .ini file I put the path to where the roms are but it says theres nothing there.
hey i know this post its from 2 months ago but just in case you still there i got a cuestion: i downloaded the surreal64 beta but when i unzipped the file i just get a .rar file not a .xbe file or a .ini file just a sigle "surreal64 beta.rar" and when i ftp it and rename as .ini file it doesnt show in the dashboard all of the other nes snes sega atari emulators are there . do you know haw to fix this.
you have to use a program called winrar to extract it and then after you extract it ftp it over to your xbox then reboot and it should show up then
ey thanks for answer men....i did the extract file as you said and yeh that was it now i did ftp all of the files to the xbox but now i can't see the surreal along with the others emulators i did edit the surreal.ini and still no seeing nothing the only way a could see the surrealXXX along with the other emulators was moving the dafault.xbe out of the surrealxxx folder but when i try to open the emulator doesnt do anything . do you know what its wrong wiht these.??