Hey ya'll, i'm having problems installing surreal on my xbox. I have a few copies of the program. The first thing i did was to make a folder in surreal called roms. Then added all the n64 roms in the folder. Then when I install surreal to the xbox it will not find my roms. What do I do. Cheers
There is a refresh button in the lower right hand corner of the main surreal screen. You need to refresh the list everytime you add new roms.
So am I doing the right thing as to installing surreal to my xbox. I the surreal folder i just created a folder called ROMS and placed all my n64 roms in that folder. Then transfered surreal to my xbox. When I tried to run surreal on the xbox I hit the refresh button and nothing happens. It will not find my roms list so i'm not sure what else to do to get these roms to work. Give some feedback on what to do. Thanks. 1. Do I need another copy of surreal that works. I think I was using surreal 64 v1.0 or something like it. 2. If I do need another copy of the program where can I go to get it. I would really appreciate the help thanks again.
Hey, thanks a lot for the information. I really appreciate it. I believe my problem was that I didn't set the path for the surreal program to find my roms. Cheers! :>