Need your help sick of trying to install Winfows XP now ... Now the problem is....When I put the CD in the COmputer>I switch on PC> It says press any key to boot from CD, So I do> then a message shows on a black new screen: Setup is now checking your hardware Configeration. Then after a min or 2, the computer automatically goes to the first screen again, where it is showing all the computer information and ' Press any key to boot from CD' Its just like a big Loop, keeps doing it. Now what can I do guys???
what are your pc specs? is it a copied windows cd or original? perhaps the cd is messed up and cant read past where its stopping, sorry i cant be more help but post more info and im sure you will get some help.
as asked, shocksl, is the disc and original or a copy? what condition is it in? what condition is the computer drive in? disconnect everything but one rom drive, the mobo, proc, and fans, and take the machine down to one stick of ram. report the results and any more info that you can. basquiat: your sig is way out of the limits of the rules. you need to change it before a mod gets you.
Have you thought about booting windows via a floppy disk from A:\. Like make a boot disc and make it boot like its going to install windows 98 and then when it boots into DOS. Then put your CD in the drive and type setup once your are in your CD drive. You can get a boot disk from the following site. Download a boot disk that has a Ram drive with it.
this is easy when it says to boot from cd do not press boot from cd just let it do it's thing, leave your disk in untill the last part of the install, good luck hope that helps have a nice day
i also need help installing windows xp when i put in the set up disc and press any key to boot it brings me to the screen where i can install windows xp, repair windows xp or, exit if i choose install xp or repair it says IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and tells me to go in under safe mode and uninstall any program i just installed then when i go to safe mode it says \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM was eiter missing or corrupt and tells me to insert the setup disc and select repair. But i cant use repair or new installation or safe mode so i keep on going in circles
thanx rav009 for trying to help the full stop error is *** STOP: 0x0000000A (0x0A2D0011, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x8081c63C)