How to install XP on a new hardrive if already installed on another?

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by 88Camaro, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. 88Camaro

    88Camaro Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    This may seem like a dumb question but I already have XP (OEM version)installed on a hard-drive that is not in my computer...i want to buy the Raptor drive and install XP on it, but windows won't let me register XP on (2) different HDs. Do I need to simply reformat my old HD and then the windows registration database will recognize it (that its not there) and then allow me to install it on the new hard drive? Do i manualy need to un-register in online somehow and then reformat without re-installing windows and then i will be able to install XP on the new drive? Would it be easier to just transfer the entire drive over to the new one, and if so, what program do i need? Thanks in advance.
  2. Indochine

    Indochine Regular member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    How can the Windows install disk "know" that you installed Windows on another disk that is not in your computer? Forgive me if I read your question wrongly, but that's what you seem to be saying.

    How does Bill Gates know the first hard drive didn't die? What are people supposed to do if that happens?

    There is an app called Norton Ghost which is the standard tool for disk cloning, it is often given away free with hard drives, maybe you should ask around for a deal where this app or a similar one is bundled with the drive.

  3. 88Camaro

    88Camaro Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Well, i think it knows because in order to install windows, you have to register in online, so their online registration knows if its installed on another disk because you have to use the same Key Code number...i think you have to uninstall it and then re-install it on another drive...but i'm wondering if you uninstall XP from a HD, does it "Un-register" they key code so you can install XP with the same key code on another drive...
  4. Indochine

    Indochine Regular member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    If you take a hard disk, with Windows on it, out of a computer, then Windows is no longer installed on that computer. You ned to follow the procedure for people with new hardware. call 800.936.5700 option zero and tell the Microsoft rep you have a new hard drive.

  5. 88Camaro

    88Camaro Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    ""How can the Windows install disk "know" that you installed Windows on another disk that is not in your computer?""

    Good Question...I believe it knows because even if you remove your HD from your computer, (and then install XP on another computer or HD), microsoft will recogize that you've already registered that particular XP CD on another system, and when your 30 day expiration period is up, the new system will be rendered useless because microsoft won't allow you to run their OEM version of XP on (2) systems...At least thats what i Believe/Understand about it at this time...if i missed something or i am incorect, please someone let me know and clarify this thread, Thanks...
  6. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    Is the new hard drive (rapter) going into the same computer case (motherboard/ram/cpu) that the old xp hard drive came out of? If it is just make a clone (or image) of your old hard drive to your new (rapter) hard drive, and install it. It should bootup as if nothing happened. Only time that it will ask for reactivation is if you changed too many components inside your computer. You can keep the old drive (with the xp on it) as a backup. I upgrade my hard drives 2/3 times a year and never had to reactivate (I use True Image 9.0) to make my images. Go to this forum if you have more questions, they specialize in hard drive upgrade problems.
  7. barcia99

    barcia99 Member

    Jun 8, 2005
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    question about installing a new oem version. can oem versions be reinstalled back on the same hard drive if something were to happen? i was told say i had to do a new clean install after installing the oem version eariler the original time that i couldnt. this person told i would have to buy retail version to be able to reinstall several times. just wonder if anyone knows if this is true. thanks in advance, mike
  8. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    I've installed Win XP OEM (Dell) on 4 different hard drives i the same case since 2001. I've transferred the contents of the hard drive using Maxtor's Max Blast software, and have not had any problems re-registering my software. This includes upgrading the memory, videocard (2X) replacing the CD-ROM with several DVD burners, as a matter of fact, the only thing left of this being a Dell is the case and motherboard. Everything els has been replaced at least once.

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