How to link two routers together (or perhaps a different idea?)

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Clockface, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. Clockface

    Clockface Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    This is new to me, so I'm probably not using the correct terms, and maybe I'm making wrong assumptions, and if so then I apologise. Apologies also if it's in the wrong forum.

    The situation is that my neighbour's house now has five security cameras fitted, and working properly. The cameras' leads (they are wired, not wireless) all go through the attic, and meet and go down into his bedroom, and are connected to the camera's hub box (or whatever it's called, the unit that houses the hard drive and everything). The hub box is wired into his bedroom TV, and everything is working fine, he can view the cameras on the bedroom TV, there's no problems with the security system at all.

    The thing is, he wants to connect the camera hub box to the internet, so it can email him if say he's at work and one of the cameras detects moving in his yard (he has lots of valuable fish, some of them are *massive*). He doesn't want or need to view the security cameras on the downstairs TV, just for the security camera hub box (which is upstairs) to communicate with the internet, via the house router, which is downstairs. Ideally, he doesn't want to run a cable all the way from the bedroom to the router (from the camera hub box in his bedroom, down to the router in his living room), or to drill a cable though the bedroom floor (for the cable from the camera hub box to the router in his living room) if he can avoid using a long cable.

    The router is SKY broadband, which wirelessly connects to the usual stuff (tablet, phone, an Amazon Fire stick type thing). Everything is working with that router, but he has a second router (identical to the first) that isn't being used for anything, and he was hoping that he could somehow introduce the second, previously unused router into the equation, and get the two routers working together, meaning that his camera hub box would be connected by a short cable to a router (call it router two, the new router that would be in the bedroom next to the camera hub box) and that router two would communicate wirelessly with router one (the downstairs router, the one that's connected to the phone line and feeds everything else, i.e. his tablet, mobile phone, etc).

    Is this possible, or does it require a different item (not a router) to be connected to the camera hub in place of router two? Please don't assume I know anything about this (I pretty much don't), it's all new to me.

    Thanks for any answers.
  2. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Nup won't work.Only way to use the 2nd router is by hard wiring.If he wants wireless he'll have to use an extender or get a more powerful router.He can however use the spare router as a switch i.e connect an ether wire from the current router to the spare (any port will do) once done devices can be wired to it which i assume he already knows. You may find a way to use it wirelessly however i never did.If it can be done it'll be on youtube
  3. Clockface

    Clockface Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    Sorry for not posting earlier, my mate was working away from home (I know what that's like, it's not great). Anyway, he bought a powerline and everything is working fine now.

    Thanks for all of the help, it's much appreciated.

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