Find the shortcut for the computer game you want to play in windowed mode instead of full screen. Right click on the shortcut, select Properties. In the Target field add: -window at the end. Click OK. Not ALL games can be played in windowed mode, and if you want to play in fullscreen again just take out the -window you added.
Dang really!!!! Hell yeah man that's awesome.I never knew that before.Thank you I'm going to copy and paste that into notepad.
Don't think there is one since that method is simple enough, you could just copy the shortcut to make another and then leave one with the -window and one without. So then you have a fullscreen game and windowed game in the start menu
Ok but what you have explained to me dosnt work. i type -windows at the end and it says this shortcut cannot be found. Could you expand on this??
Ah- simple mistake, my bad. It's actually space THEN -window e.g. "E:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\age2_x1\age2_x1.exe" -window Hope that solved your prob. Edit-- Another command you can add instead is fullscreen=false (remember the space)
Yes it did thank you but my game still doesnt go into windows mode I had a program before that made anything go to windows mode but i dont remember where it is.