Sorry more stupid questions. I new to all this and have recently started downloading rar files. I have worked out the extraction side of it and have now started to use an img burner after great advice on this site. However I've got another problem. When i abstract some rar files they are displayed as a file with the picture of a cd, but a few other are being abstracted and coming through in broken parts. About six of them are for the movie and when I click on them individually I can play that section of the film. I know which ones are parts of the film as they have the symbol of my media player. How do I join them, and write on Dvd. By the way the ones with the CD symbol i can just copy straight of with the img burner. Thanks Gregg
That has worked well with a smaller file which was in the xvid format, but it dosn't like the larger dvd formats. Is there anything else someone can please sugggest
never had any problems at all with large dvd files in convertxtodvd, you must be doing something wrong