Hi All I am newbie to this area of technology. I have a couple of wmv video files which i wanted to play on my TV in my regular dvd player. My dvd player plays DVD-R/RW CD-R/RW these types of discs. I followed the instructions on this thread: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/172 I converted the wmv files into mpg using tmpgenc. I use the Video-Cd option and select the NTSC option with in that. The rest of the options are the default ones like: CBR Standard format Video Type : Interlace Field Order :Bottom field first Aspect Ratio : 1:1 (VGA) Content of Video : Film movie A file with the extension one.mpg is created. I then open NERO and choose the option make video CD. I add the newly created mpg file (one.mpg) and then burn it. The Burn process is successful and on my CD i see the following file/folder structure: EXT MPEGAV SEGMENT VCD But when i try to play on my regular DVD player (emerson)- i get the following message: Playback feature may not be available on this disk. I tried with different company CD's Memorex,Fuji, Imation but its the same thing. But one thing i noticed was - when I burn the wmv file using media player directly - the CD plays in my dvd player but only the sound of the movie comes and no video - i guess u can only burn audio on media player. So can anyone give me any sort of advice as to what may be the problem. Thanks in advance --Gublooo
try this cause i did and it worked for me get winavi and get all ur music files and load them up on winavi click on the dvd button and convert it to dvd burn it to a dvd and it should work
Thanks for your reply. But I'm not sure what you mean. I dont want to burn music files. I have video files. and I dont want to burn on a DVD disc. I want to burn these movies on my CD-R/RW and play it on my regular dvd player. Thanks Gublooo