i recently started downloading games off limewire and i open them with winRAR then i open a setup icon, it does its process what ever that is but then once it has finished it just looks like its about to open then nothing happens???
okay well tell us if you are downloading .rar .zip or .iso you should download .iso files bcuz they actually work.once you have an iso downloaded dont open with winrar.download daemon tools its free and its a tool that is vital.anyhow wen installing daemon tools unselect the toolbar so no spyware or crap like that will appear.then it will appear as a thunder bolt on the bottom right.right click it go to emulation and select all on.then right click go to virtual cd/dvd,device and then mount image.then select the iso file.go to my computer and it should appear on drive F: which is a virtual drive which tricks the computer into thinking theres a cd in the E: drive.so click the f: or w/e it is and the install menu will pop up and u install.after that if you try to play the game it will ask for orginal cd/dvd so you need a crack.w/e the game is go to www.gamecopyworld.com and find the game there.d/l the no cd or dvd and then replace it in the game file(the .exe)there you go
are you on drugs.bearshare has the most games by far.i got fifa 2006,age of mythology,age of empires 2 & 3,sims and all expansions,sims 2 and all expansions,counter strike condition zero and 1.6 source,half life 1 and 2,alien vs predator 2,world of warcraft,duke nukem,prince of persia all of em and im not even half way thru da list and by thw way bearshare gets results off bearshare,limewire and shareaza so shut the f ^ before i slap you and my 3gb finished in 1 hour and i dont even have super fast connection retard
i think ure the 1 on drugs, slap me over a pc screen lol, give yourself a slap, in my opinion limewire has as much as bearshare and has faster downloads, everygame u mentioned i already have plus more. idiot
i apoligise to both of you lol im just frustrated with this at the moment, i downloaded a rar file which wont open with winrar ( no archives it says) and ar the end of the file name it says iso ??? no worries i,ll get it eventually once again SORRY
When I try to down load a game it says Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or File. You may not have permissions to access. Ive tried downloading multiple games on LimeWire BearShare and that message always appears when I try to install the game
it wont install because you are not the administrator and only he or she can install things on your computer./..
if you have 2 or more users on your computer one of them is an administrator which is like the "boss" of the computer.if you want to install anything you cant because only the admin has those rights.so i dont know what your exact situation is but thats all i can tell you with the info given.