How to play back ups w/ soft modded box

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by xjoshuax, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. xjoshuax

    xjoshuax Member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    What is the cheepest way to play back ups. Thats it I have a plain ol xbox and I just want to play back ups on it.Maybe the skins would be cool.Nothin fancy just the ability to play back ups.
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    softmod is pretty cheap action replay is only 30 bux US and u can get splintercell(first one) for 5 bux US used. so your looking at 35 bux.....and it will play back-ups no problem..
  3. xjoshuax

    xjoshuax Member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    Thanx for the insite.Thats what I thought.Just making sure the soft mod actualy contains the program to read the back ups.CAn I put emulaters and roms on a soft mod or do I need a chip?
  4. xjoshuax

    xjoshuax Member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    So I educated myself on how to soft modd,and are now ready to do so. I called a game store to find the splinter cell game ,he knew exactly what I wanted the game for and said he has repaired alot of xbox's that peaple tryed to soft modd and damaged thier box. How do I make sure to not dmg. the box. Exactly how much hard drive does a plain old xbox have and what all can be put on the original hard drive to maximize my soft modd. I have a hard modd w/ exixuter 3 and 250hd w/ all emulaters and like 90 xbox games .Im soft modding my bros box and I want to hook him up with as muck as possible.
  5. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    You always have that possiblity of the softmod not installing right. But if you find and folow directions (guide) you should have no trouble doing it. Once you do install the Softmod make sure you make a backup of your EEprom and its always good to make a backup of your C: and E: folders.

    You can pretty much do everything with a softmod that a Hardmod can do. As to the size of the Xbox HDD it is around 15 to 20GB so you will not get much space to install Xbox games. But it would hold allot of ROMS.
  6. MadBoomah

    MadBoomah Regular member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    Isn't the Xbox drive only 10 GB max? IF you already have the Executer modded Xbox, then you can easilly make the exploited gamesave to install the softmod if you have a Memory card lying around. You can always borrow one if you'd like.

    After you run the SC EvoX save you HAVE TO download the /backup directory in the save to your PC. This can reverse just about any screw up you can have with your softmod. With the EEPROM you can even fix your Xbox up using another HD that's not the factory one! Also, as a precautionary measure, LEAVE THE GAME SAVE ON YOUR XBOX! Your Xbox will probably never go into an unsuable state. In the even that you erase an essential dashboard file that doesn't let you boot to the Xbox dash, you can still boot the Splinter Cell game in cold boot (without booting the dashboard) and from there load the save again and have access to the drive to fix it.

    If this doesn't work anymore, and you saved your EEPRom, you can always manipulate the drive from your PC using XBoxHDM and the EEPROM file to unlock it. You can even install the softmod this way.

    So, the softmod is actually pretty secure if you take the correct measures. Before doing the process of actually modifying anything on the C drive, download the EEPROM, and never delete the save file and you should be fine. Any little mishap can be fixed up this way. :)


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