how to play old roms and media on soft mod xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by roncees, Feb 14, 2006.

  1. roncees

    roncees Guest

    What's up guys

    I soft modded my Xbox this past weekend and have FTP excess to it. I tried to put the FCE ultra nes emulator and some nes ROMs in a folder I created in the E: drive on the XBOX, but I could not load or see them nor play the ROMs from hard drive tab on my Evolution dash board. I also tried playing burnt/original DVDs and those same ROMs of a cd and DVD-r but nothing happened. please help I just what to be able to play old NES ROMs and other Media on my soft modded Xbox.

    Any step by step guide to putting and playing old ROMs/media of the XBOX would be great.
  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Most softmod isntilation will install a Emulator folder(directory) for you to place the Emulators and roms in it (you shouldnt have to create 1 yourself). So FTP and look in all the folders (mine was installed on E drive with a folder name of Emul) and once you find the folder add the (NES Emulator folder) into that folder and then place your NES ROM's in the ROM folder that is in the NES Emulator folder. Now when you boot up your dashboard you should beable to go to your emulator sectiong and the emulator should be listed.

    If you created a folder yourself then you would have to add a link to the Config.xml for it to actully show up and be listed on your Dashboard.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2006
  3. theridges

    theridges Guest

    ok make a folder called applications on your E drive if you dont already have one then ftp your fce ultra folder with the roms and the emulator to the applications folder reboot and it should load up when you go to applications....
  4. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    If you make your own directory (even an Aplications folder) more then likly it wont be as easy as just rebooting and it showing up. You would have to link the new folder you created by editing the Config.xml file for your dashboard before it will show up.

    I had an old softmod installed on my Xbox and then installed an updated softmod on it so I could play ISO off my HDD.

    Well after I installed the new softmod none of my Applications or Emulators showed up. The directory's of the folder did on my dashboard list but they where empty when I went to them. I then FTPed and notced the new softmod added its own Apps and Emul folders that where named diffrent then the old softmod had them named. (new softmod named them Apps & Emul) (old Softmod had the folders named (Applications & Emulators) Which broke the link to the old folders due to the new Config.XML said the apps and emul where in the folder named (Apps & Emul) which then made my Apps and EMul seem to have been deleted.

    So I either had to take all my Apps & Emul from my old folders and place them in my new (renamed) folder or I had to FTP my Config.xml file over to the PC and edit the file so it would point to the old folders.

    Which that is what I did I edited the Config.xml so that it would go to the old folders where I had my Apps and EMul already storeed. That just showes that if your Config.xml isnt linked (pointing to) the folders that you create it wont show up in your dashboard.

    As I said before most Softmods will already have all the directory's added and linked correctly to show up in your dashboard list. All you should have to do is just add the Applications or Emulatores in the directory the softmod created. If your softmod didnt then you will have to crreate the directory's and edit your config.xml yourself to have them show up on your dashboard list.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2006
  5. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    worst comes to worst go and find a download site that has
    some BAED discs (big a$$ emulator Disc)
    They come with all the emulators and roms and you just burn the ISO file to a DVD
    They have somewhere near 14,000 games on a disc and i know of 3 that i have that are out there. Or get an auto installer disc and let it do all the work for you and install them.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2006
  6. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I have 2 or 3 of those disc steimy they save alot of room on your XBox HDD having them on a DVD disc. Plus you dont have to search and find them yourself.
  7. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i was just saying what i did all i did was put it in the applications folder as you would dvd2xbox or xbmc and it works fine for me mame,snes,genesis,nes i have them all in my application folder i am also running UnleashX which differ's from sorry a$$ EvoX. there are many different ways to do it i just told him how i did mine.....
  8. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Yes placing them in your applications folder will work but you said to "make a folder called applications" and I was just saying if the softmod didnt make an applications directory already then making 1 and restarting will not mean that applications would show up in the dashboard list.

    You would have to edit the config.xml to link the application folder to it. But yes your right if your application folder is linked to your dashboard already and it shows up in the list then you can place the Emulator in that folder and it will work.
  9. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    yeah that is the way i figured it too. But when i used Slayer it installed so many on there as well. I just wanted them all so i got the discs too :)

    P.S. you still need to change that sig man
    GO FLYERS! :) J/K

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