How to preserve menu interactivity?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by john45, Oct 23, 2003.

  1. john45

    john45 Member

    Jan 22, 2003
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    Hello all of you :) I have a question: I'd like to preserve menu interactivity when I use DVD Shrink or DVD2one to backup a DVD movie, but unfortunatelly I save all menus and the whole movie but I lose their interactivity.
    Is there a way to preserve it or is it impossible?
    Sorry if this argument has been already discussed.

    Thank you and bye
    --john :)
  2. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    In DVD Shrink, there sint a way to keep the menu when re-authoring the disc. I dont think they intend on doing that in the next release either. You will need a program like Adobe Encore or TMPGEnc DVD Author to create your own menu and structure.
  3. berny

    berny Member

    Aug 3, 2003
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    Oriphus i think he is just doing a whole disc back-up from wot i can tell. I am also having the problem with a few dvds like bo selecta and cradle to the grave. on the original wen u move across to select a differnet feature like extras it lights up but on the backup it doesnt which makes it hard to tell which option ur chossing
  4. gone4day

    gone4day Guest

    I admit to being new to this myself, but using DVDShrink, I am able to backup my DVD's with menu interactivity remaining intact. Typically, I do NOT preserve the menu's as-is, but instead choose the "still pictures" compression mode for my menu's, freeing up more space for less compression for the main title. What you end up with is a perfectly usable, albeit "stuttering slide show" version of the menu.

    I've done this with Alias Season 1 DVD, Taken DVD collection, and many others, all with multiple features per DVD. And I've even done it successfully with both American Pie's (Unrated Collector Edition), which have (in my opinion) some of the most "interactive" menu's and bonus feature menu's out there. I do NOT use the re-author function of DVDShrink, but rather just choose "Still Picture" mode for menu's and special features and backup from there. In the case of American Pie 1/2, I've actually used still picture mode for menu's, but left the special features intact but with 50% compression.

    Is there a specific title you are having issues with?

    My setup: WinXP, DVD Shrink 3 Beta 5, Nero, Pioneer DVR-104 burner, Sony DVD-R media, multiple stand-alone players.
  5. dnet48

    dnet48 Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    Check out this site

    They have a demo version which lets you keep the menu functions.

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