I want to copy protect my wedding dvd. Got married recently and family members want to borrow the dvd. I intend to run a spare copy of my wedding dvd, to loan out, but i also want to copy protect it. Can anyone advise how to do this, and what programme I should use. I have nero 7.
Can't be done, as if Hollywood can't do it for millions of $$$, you most likly won't be able also. Now if you work for the NSA or CIA, then all bets are off and you would'nt be asking here. Easiest way for not being able to copy your dvds is to not loan them out. Sorry but I am no help to you, nor will anyone else here at AD.BTW this question was recently (like a weekago ) answered , all that was needed was a search.
@Nolski Check this out. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/407715 Why would you deny your Family Members the JOY of what will be your Greatest Day? (So Far)
If you are willing to pay for it, I can do what you are asking for. It is rather tedious to add disc corruption correctly and effectively so I must charge for it. Let me know either by posting here or sending me a PM.
yeah, it would have to be upfront. It is very frustrating to do the corruption correctly so I would not want to spend many hours working on a disc and then end up not getting paid for my time.