I would like to buy $15 worth of bit coins. I've done some research on the issue but, how do I figure out what I need to buy in order to have a certain dollar amount of digital currency?
I want to purchase something from a website that costs $15. Right now the only payment method that will accept is bit coins. I just want to read sure that I get the right amount of bit coin. They are completely new and slightly confusing concept for me.
I would not classify it as dodgy at all. I'm sure quite a few people that frequent the site have the same thing I want to purchase. It just requires bit coins. But thank you for your help I will definitely give everything a look. Thanks again.
No problem. Dodgy is kind of ambiguous but actually you were probably pretty close to correct. I was being sarcastic in my response although, it is something that most people who use this form has probably run across. At least the more experienced users.