I need help. I have a movie uder RMBV format (2 files total). I already converted them into two Video_TS files. How can I put them togather into a single disc DVD R. Those two Video_TS files are one whole movie. Thanks D
check out this guide scroll down to where it says join mode. http://www.doom9.org/index.html?/mpg/dvd2one.htm
Or this ~> For 2 Discs on 1 use DVD2One in the "Join" mode. The join mode is a very powerful new feature of DVD2one. It can be used for many things: Joining a movie that has been spread over 2 sides of a disk (aka "flipper") or even over 3 disks. Joining of different episodes of a (TV) series on 1 disk. Adding a music video, documentary or Featurette after the main movie. Adding an intro (for instance THX or Dolby) before the main movie. Or any combination of the above possibilities ! The join mode is not limited to only 2 titles, but it can join any number of titles on 1 disk. Of course the total size of the titles you want to join has its limits. DVD2one has built-in warning messages to let you know when you go to far. The join mode has 2 different modes: Seamless. The separate titles are joined in 1 titleset, and will play continuously without interruption. Non-seamless. Each title is put in its own titleset, and there will be a small delay when the player goes from one to the other title. The seamless mode is the perfect mode for joining a movie that has been spread over different sides or disks. DVD2one will examine automatically whether the different titles can be seamless joined together. For this the video, audio and subtitles need to be the same. The non-seamless mode will work with any title, and can be used in all other cases. DVD2one provides convenient ways to skip through the different title sets. How to use The join mode is very simple to use, since it works like a repeated movie-only mode. After selecting the first title you come to a summary screen. Here you can select another title you like to add to the list, or start processing. If you select to join another title, you will advance through the selection screens again. The only difference is when using seamless mode, you do not have to select audio, subtitle and angle. The selection for these items is taken from the title to which the new title is seamlessly joined. Advanced Navigation Mode This new feature is experimental and may not work correctly with specific DVD players, or may have some unwanted side effects. It is recommended to try it first with a re-writable disk. It adds the following ways to navigate between the different title sets: · Right menu button for next titleset. · Left menu button for previous titleset. · Next chapter at the last chapter of a title Goes to the next titleset. · Previous chapter at the first chapter of a Title goes to the previous titleset. The menu button system may interfere with subtitles. Also if a titleset does not have subtitles, a dummy subtitle is added to make this feature to work. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd-r_tools/dvd2one.cfm About $35.00 (USD) But well worth the $$ - I've never regretted my purchase of it. The Demo only does 30 minutes of movies. FYI, Using this proggy, I have put 4 trimmed DVD-9 movies on a single disc and 5, DVD-5's on a single sided DVD with the quality of a commercial VHS tape. 5 -hours of movies is a snap. Cheers, Pete
Hey, hey there fine friend, it's not time to leave just yet, hang out iffin you have the time, snoop around on some of the other forums, checkout the "Safety Valve", there's usually something in the "Wacko" category going on there - OR check out our forums on Home Theater components, CD's, PS2, X-box or Gamecube topics or even Cellular phones – there's something for everybody Always feel free to stop back here at "Newbie Central," help someone else OR pickup a few more pointers or tricks to make your work a little easier and your computer work a bit better ~ (NO, somebody isn't coming by your house to type for you. That guy is booked up until somewhere around mid-June, 2009) I was suggesting something in the line of a shortcut we may have come up with (it happens from time to time) OR a new proggy you might want to try - Ya never know . . . . We'll lQQk for you later, OK ? Till then, Sea Ya ~ ~ ~> Pete )
I have learned a lot tricks and softwares since I joined this site. It's great for all of us. My hat for all dedicated members and monitors that help to keep this site interesting. D
It's our pleasure "D", it really is . . . We thank you for your kind words too - it's rare we get them . . . . Cheers, "P"
Yeh a big thanks to ScubaPete a true dedicated member who has helped countless people over the years including myself.Pete respect mate you are one in a million mate.