Let me start by saying that I have had perfect success with creating an ISO DVD copy as well as extracting the main movie track only for movies that are larger than 4.7GB, but whose movie and main audio fit under 4.7GB. The third type I'm trying to master is when the movie still won't fit within 4.7GB. I don't want to split the movie over two disks, so I'm trying to re-MPEG the movie to reduce the size. I find I have several that are only slightly too large, thus I'm not concerned about reducing the quality. I have tried MediaPipe and Transcoder (which both appear to use mpeg2enc), and both give me the same issues. I extracted The Bourne Identity with OsEX into separate single .ac3 and .m2v files. Whenever I re-MPEG, the movie seems to reduce from about two hours to about 1 hr 34 minutes. I tried several different command-line settings in MediaPipe with no luck. In Transcoder, there are only two check boxes. I have tried have neither box checked or either one checked with no luck. Checking both will not allow the re-MPEG to work at all. Can someone give me exact command-line settings for mpeg2enc or instructions on how they have dealt with this problem? Thanks.
The newer version of Transcoder seems much better, but I still cannot get audio sync when I try working with The Bourne Identity. I checked the pulldown checkbox and that seemed to resolve the major sync issue, however the whole movie runs about 3 seconds apart between audio and video. Since Transcoder is merely a GUI wrapper for the mpeg2enc program, I was hoping maybe someone had worked with mpeg2enc directly to solve the problem.
I have had the same problem. I load both the audio and video in and even interleave it and the audio still comes out way behind. I tried on The Road To Perdition so it isnt just the bource ident that does it on. I am still working on a method to correct this but hopefully someone already knows and can tell us both!!
Well you could always use quicktime and mac3dec and realign the sound track. be warned though it takes HOURS!!