Thank you, but that is recording the dbox to a pc, I want to record from the DBox to my TV. Any ideas? J
the way the dbox works, you cant record to TV - you can record to a DVD Recorder - if you were to link the TV signal from the DBox to the DVD Recorder.
yes you can (only record what you are watching on the dBox) - if you were to feed the signal out of the dBox to the VCR the from VCR to TV you should be able to record to VCR using the SCART input on the VCR as the recording source
Hi I have tried this, one small problem there is only one scart socket on the video, any more ideas?????
can you set your scart to be either input or output - as my Samsung VCR used to allow me to set the scart to either the input source or the output source.
has your video got a A/V out sockets(red,white,yellow)? thats how mines is set up dbox-'scart'-dvd recorder-'A/V'- TV