Hi, I have a computer for little kids and they play games on it. However, they know how to click on the icon but they don't know how to put in the CD to start playing. *well, I wouldn't want them to handle the cds anyway. My question is can I install the game such a way that they can run them off the harddrive instead? Pleas help.
You sure can. First you need to make an image of the play disc for the game. This can be done using software such as Alcohol 120% or BlindWrite 5. These are softwares made especially for reading and writing copy protected PC games. Once you have the image on your hard drive you can "mount" the image in what's known as a virtual drive. This allows you use the image on your hard drive as if it were a disc in a drive. If you need more detailed instructions let us know
The only catch is that, for some games, you'll need a good quality CD drive to make the cd-dump properly
Nephilim, What do you mean by "mount" the image to the virtual drive? Do you just drag the image to the virtual drive? Sorry to sound stupid, but I'm just ignorant of the terminalogy.
Im not to familiar with clonecd but let me try...ok, if you write the image to your harddrive it should create a mdf.mds. file you can then use daemon tools to mount the image --http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/portal/download.php?mode=ViewCategory&catid=5-- install daemon tools then from thier read this tutorial on how to mount the image to a virtual drive http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/portal/daemonhelp.php
@ fez1122 While we appreciate your wanting to help we frown upon any discussion of cracks here - forum rules
@KCflyGuy There's no dragging or dropping involved with mounting an image even though it kind of sounds like it does. All you do is point the virtual drive software to the image you want mounted and that's pretty much it - no moving anything around or multiple images to work with. I'd highly suggest using the trials for both Alcohol 120% or BlindWrite5 - both of which are extremely good performers and neither suffer the amount of blacklisting problems that CloneCD does. I carry the torch around here for BlindWrite because I feel it's superior to most everyone's favorite - Alcohol 120%. I've made my best and most accurate working copies using BlindWrite
Nephilim, thanks. I didn't really get it when I was trying to read up on this at work. When I got home and downloaded Blindwrite, I fully understand how to save my games on the HD. Seems like everything is possible when there's people like you and geestar20 helping newbies like myself.
use gamejack 4... thats the program i use. it copies past the copy right and put it on your hard drive.. so later on you can make an extra copy on an cd for future reference, or you can just run it through the virtual drive it sets for you.
Thanks everyone. It worked perfectly. I used Alcohol 120% and it allows me to have up to 6 virtual drives. I tried to use Nero but it only gives me 2. Anyhow, thanks again!
All right, heres an update of GameJack 4 GameJack uses ClonyXXL v2.0.1.5 to determine the protection of the games (in my opinion very smart but they are ripping off a freeware) ClonyXXL is almost acurate but not as accurate as Aray scanner. My first test was with "Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth" (which is a DVD by the way) ClonyXXL gave me a reading of Safedisc v2 As Aray gave me a log file [19:16:39 PM] SafeDisc DVD detected -> F:\LOTRBFME [AAF626AC] [19:16:41 PM] Signs on CD/DVD indicate SafeDisc 2/3 [19:16:43 PM] --- File(s) Scan Finished [1.04s] --- Well GameJack didn't copy the game to well, when I selected Copy to CD/DVD in the Main Fuction box GameJack wouldn't let me select the speed, it was automatically set to 32x (5540 KB/s) This is the log from GameJack: [19:48:34] - Windows NT V5.01.2600 Service Pack 2 [19:48:34] - System with 1 Pentium CPU-Class processor(s) and 1048048 KB RAM (730468 KB available) [19:48:34] - Imaging disc: (P Generic DVDROM (4:0) [19:48:34] - Source disc information Session : 1, Track : 1, Length : 2.93 GB / 341:11:35 [19:48:34] - (G PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-107D (1:1) : Writing mode: [19:48:34] - Recording process - DVD DAO - 3.9X (4650 KB/s) [19:58:19] - Disc imaging completed! [19:58:57] - (G PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-107D (1:1) : Recording process completed successfully! [19:58:58] - All procedures successfully completed! When I tried to play the game I got an error message stating "Cannot locate the CD-ROM" So all in all it was a failer! My next test will be with a cd version of Safedisc 2/3 and Securom *NEW (4.x/5.x) protections so sit tight kiddies
GameJack said noway with Securom *NEW (4.x/5.x) Tested with "StarWars Battlefront" which is SecuROM protected.