Hi, I'm new here and am interested in getting a Starview box but have a few questions regarding my NTL input. Current setup: - living room has N*L cable coming in (from outside) to a PACE DVB box. - bedroom has N*L cable coming in (from outside) to cable modem. I imagine the box on the outside contains a splitter of some sort. I want to connect the Starview to the cable in the bedroom that currently connects to the cable modem but want to keep the broadband functionality there. I had a look in the white box in the bedroom and it contains a TV/Data isolator (1 input, 1 output), one of these: http://www.technetix.co.uk/product.asp?id=23&pid=1207&sid=34 Question is, do I replace this with an isolator that has 2 outputs such as this: http://www.technetix.co.uk/product.asp?id=23&pid=1214&sid=34 Or do I need a splitter that connects to the cable attached to the existing isolator, such as this: http://www.technetix.co.uk/product.asp?id=24&pid=1175&sid=35 I'm not really sure what the difference is between them. Do I add splitter before or after the isolator? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Can anyone who has cable tv and broadband via a separate modem in the same room let me know how it is setup? Basically, how and where it is split. Thanks.