I have a video file (Avi) the audio does not match with the video, oh and the video skips,jumps, of stutters how ever you want to say it...Is there any way I can fix these two problems?
Moved to appropriate forum. A few questions... What program are you using to encode? Does the avi play correctly before encoding?
ya sorry I felt like I might have been in the wrong forum, thanks. But, encode? I never encoded it, but it is in DivX format. Just recieved the file, played it with WindowsMediaPlayer and have the sync problems. Is this too complex to fix?
Try one of these 2 programs: Digital Video Repair http://www.risingresearch.com/en/dvr/ or AviFixed http://www.free-codecs.com/download/AVIFixed.htm to check your AVI files for errors.