Just recently I created a new Xbox Live account on my 360. I don't have Xbox Live on my original Xbox, so I wanted to know if the account recovery option would allow me to get my Xbox Live account on my currently saved on my 360 to my original Xbox. Also, If I decide for some reason that I don't want Xbox live on my original Xbox any more can I just delete it and still manage my account from my 360? If this option doesn't work is there another way to do this? Sorry if there was a question already like this, I searched and couldn't find anything about this.
Hey spen i got a question about xbox and 360. I linked 1 of 2 of my gamert ags to my xbox 360 and i want to know if i can still play xbxo live on my xbox if i just put my gaming adapter in to it like how it was before i got my 360 will xbox live still work on the Xbox if the accounts are saved on the Xbox?. Thanks. and about your questioni im pretty sure you CANT get your g tag to your xbox.
Yea I'm pretty sure you can. I guess you can recover an Xbox account to a 360 but you can't do it the other way around.
The only thing I can think of is to change your settings from static isp to D something I can't remember the exact abbreviation, any way it automaticly sets up your isp and other settings. But I don't really know alot about it. BTW, I did get my account transfered, it is possible, all you do is go through the account recovery setup and then you have your account on both Xboxes.
wats up everybody ..umm spen ... i ahve a 360 and for some reason it will not allow you to go from 360 to orig. xbox ...but your account will work if you put the tag on orig. xbox and then go to 360 and recover the account and it will be on 360 ....and also you can now use the account on both the orig. xbox and the 360.... thats what i did and it worked like a charm ...umm not to sure why you cant do that vice versa .....hope i helped ... later 213ddow