and from xbox by action replay card is there any hacks? and i can't play on line with xbconnect or xlink! HELP!
#1 Dont have the thread title as part of your sentence. #2 What exactly are you trying to do with your memory card, and "hacks" doesnt count as an answer. #3 What is your current setup i.e. routers, cables, internet, types etc. Please read these, answer them and I'l get back to you to try and help you
srry. am a nubie. ok how do i access my xbox action replay on ma computer am trying to transfer something and i cant......the only way i can access is the action replay program. Umm I got dsl and i got the xbox connected but i gave up on the ftp. to and from Xbox and computer u knoe.
okay well are you trying to softmod with your action replay? because if you are hwere is a great guide btw until your box is modded you cannto ftp anything, jsut so you know.
well plug in your action replay and start up the action reaply software, should be pretty self expalanitory.
dude your really not making sense, can you please tell me what you are trying to tansfer, why you are doing it, how you have tried doing it, Thankyou!!! be as specific as possible because so far your answers have been " I want to transder......stuff."
i want to transfer like dvdtoxbox stuff and other programs like that. & bios. & for xbconnect i connected my xbox to my dsl modem.
you have to do that through and FTP program, like FlashFXP, WS_FTP or other. read some of these FTP tutorials and see if you are able to make a connection. Once you do you should be able to copy over anything you want from PC to Xbox. Xlink Kai and XBconnect all depend on you being able to make a connection with the Xbox. They are set up very similar to an FTP program. So you have to have the correct settings in the Xbox and in the program for it to work.
oaky cool, yeah listen to what steimy said, you cant use the memory card for tranfergin that kind of stuff, im pretty sure.
Hey steimy, can you help me put modded maps on my XBOX through flashfxp because my XBOX doesn't want to connect. I've read about 1 million guides and nobody gives good info. I believe my settings are correct. I'm a complete noob and so I need help transfering. I already have ppf-o-matic installed and I think I know how to use it but I can't do anything until I can connect my XBOX.
cool i figured it out i made a data dvd and i uploaded what i wanted!!! COOL! one more thing is there any program to get online and play games like to install in the xbox???
your install them on your PC Xlink Kai or XB connect both are free and can play a lot of the games that have the system link option under the game's multiplayer menu You have to have a connect between the PC and Xbox via a crossover cable or wireless gaming adapter for this. If you can FTP then setting up those programs should not be much different here is some more tutorials on how to set up FTP. If you can not get it ask around the forums, they got me up and running. They also have a live chat feature on the homepage you can access and if anyone is there they may be able to help you in real time. also a live chat feature on this site
i installed xbox media center with data disc and i has kai! and plays online!!!! cool!!! yes!! IM A WINNER MAYBE!!! THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!