I have an xbox without the eerom backedup on my computer. I want to unlock the hard drive. I DO NOT have a Floppy Drive. Is there a way to put the hdulock.exe and hddisbl.exe and hdunlock.exe files onto a CD or MEMORY STICK and boot it? I DO NOT Have a Floppy Disk Drive.
here is what you have to do, get xboxhdm and a blank cd then open xboxhdm/linux and put your eeprom.bin in the eeprom folder, then click make-iso-win and burn the iso to the disk then boot your pc with just the xbox hd and your cd drive pluged in and set it to boot from cd then when it boots to xboxhdm go to linix hd locking/unlocking and press unlockhd -a then press y and yess when it tells you to until it says hd succesfuly unlocked
He doesn't have a copy of the eeprom. I've replied to your other post, look there for answers, don't keep spamming the board!