i'm kind of boring but i'm very curious how people first encounter Ad, i think i first noticed AD when someone in Doom9 refer me to AD.
hmmm found aD thru a cdcovers.cc. Goggled to find dvd covers - found cdcovers - then keep clicking the links to aD cause of the interesting articles. After awhile joined and here I am!
I don't know what one to post in so i will just post here I actually found dawnload (now Filepedia) long b4 i found afterdawn not even knowing the two were related i just wanted free media players :-D Not long after i started looking into Ps2 games and found this site, learned almost everything i know about the Ps2 scene here :->
Chance occurence after doing a search for technical support on a subject. Joined 5 days ago and I'm still riveted.
i live on google to make my job easier (tech support); as i only just discovered that thread that geestar20 pointed out, have pasted my comments from there - i joined AD on 14 January 2005, i can't honestly remember what my first post/thread was or more to the point, what brought me here to decide to stay. i have wandered on to AD over quite some years before that, but only from the odd google search, wasn't one for regularly visiting/contributing to forums until about 5yrs ago
I was looking for guides for dvd shrink about a year ago and ran into this forum and I've been addicted ever since. The guide I printed out was over 20+ pages and jumped everywhere. I believe it was from doom9.There's some better guides now! Try googling your AD user name and see what comes up! Many times I google for members dvd-rw drive model # for firmware updates and it'll bring me up to one of my old AD posts,pretty cool!
Saugmon, did it and it found 4 full pages of my posts! The one on the top...my BitComet guide! Does that mean it is the most viewed?
I looked up a term (can't remember what) in Oct 04 and it linked me to the Afterdawn glossary page. I then kept browsing through the site and joined 4 months later. Glad I joined when I did.
When I was looking some stuff for my school priject (linux history) I was doing some search and then I wass so full of it and I search some dvd guide of something and it was to aD`s site. There is no need to tell but still here....
I found this website while searching through Yahoo for Chinese Proverbs and someone posted some. So it showed up on the search engin. I actually found it on this page http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/108455