Does anyone know how I get Macrovision off the DVD's I'm trying to copy? The PC I have is using Windows XP. I've just bought the above Writer and had no problems installing it. Sorry If I'm being a bit vague, but I'm totally new to this and can't copy the DVD's I want!
But don't worry everybody is for a certain amount of time. I have the same hardware & run the same OS, so here it goes: -1st of all, make sure u have the latest firmware updates to the drivers; get them at hp website. Run regedit>HKeyLocalMachine>System>CurrentControlSet>Enum>UsbStor, or 1394 (u know the option u?ve chosen to connect yours to the PC)>CdRom&Ven_HP&Prod_DVD_Writer_200j&Rev-1.36. If it doesn't read 1.36 u should update it NOW. -2nd, get DVDDecrypter or Smart Ripper & learn how to use them, it's easy, and they'll take care of the macrovision AND CSS problem for u in about 20 minutes...; alternatively u can buy or get a cracked version of BackUpDVDPro and/or DVDxCopy - they serve different purposes, as you'll discover - and it's even easier to back-up your own DVD's. If u plan to use the burning softs that come usually with hpDVDWriter200e, they are from Veritas and there is un update called orlogixRecordNow (wich will also update the DLA function) but it's not free... That's it, have fun !!!