I'm not sure if this is where I post this message but I'm sure someone can help. I have a Hp DVD840i and when I play a cd or dvd from the drive it choppy sound and video. But every thing works if I Rip or Burn. For the driver it says Driver Date 7/1/2001. I know that can't be it. Where I'm having trouble is finding a firmware update. The One on the HP website won't work, and it's saying is model mismatched, I can't find anything else.
Are you 100% sure about your drives model number? Run this little program and see what you get. DiscInfo So you are saying original DVD's are choppy when you play them? If this is the case then it probably isn't the firmware at all, but it could be your Codec's or vide card.
The model number was wrong, it was for HJ86. I have VS632, but still I can't find the right firmware.
OK neither of those model numbers sound right can you just run the little tool I provided the link to earlier and let me know what it says or post the screen shot here? thanks
OK I believe this is probably your drive and firmware http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareList?os=228&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=1101461&lang=en# Its an HP840i and is at the actual HP site. This is ver. 68JH released 03/2006
That's the firmware I was trying to use, it doesn't work, it says drive mismatch when I try to open the file in the installer. Every thing I have is up to date I checked device manager and ran driver detective the only things not up to date are unplugged, or not installed anymore and my dvd drive in question. My older DVD player works fine still. Also brand new video card and it's up to date too. Also I ran discinfo it says Hp dvd writer 840x. firmware version S632.
I'm also having a problem with a HP DVD840I drive. It won't recognize a disk being in the drive. Device Manager lists it as a DVD 840D. HP says a different sufix is normal to account for different manfactures firmware. When I download the firmware file from HP and try to install, I get a "model mismatched" error. Evidently it's looking for 840B and finds 840D as listed by device manager. I've gotten no help from HP, so anything would be appreciated. Tks